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DRN4225A - microprocessor controlled PWM voltage controller.

Basic description: PWM voltage regulator of new generation, individual settings of control voltage, range PWM output, speed of acceleration and deceleration of output voltage, PWM frequency, undervoltage and current protection, thermal protection + LED indication, power supply 6-42 V, current to 25 A .

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Regulátor napětí DRN4225A
Regulátor napětí DRN4225A
Price with VAT: 680,00 Kč
VAT:21 %
Availability:In stock
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Quantity (pcs)Price without VATPrice with VAT
1 + 562,00 Kč680,00 Kč
2 + 562,00 Kč533,90 Kč680,00 Kč646,00 Kč
5 + 562,00 Kč505,80 Kč680,00 Kč612,00 Kč

PWM voltage controller DRN 4225A is designed to control voltage on electrical motors, light bulbs or heating appliances. The output voltage is regulated by pulse width modulation (PWM) from 0 to 100 % of supply voltage. It is almost lossless control with high efficiency energy conversion.

The controller has adjustable current and undervoltage protection. You can adjust the steepness of rise and fall in the output voltage and frequency PWM. It is also possible to set end position of control potentiometer (control voltage) and the corresponding minimum and maximum PWM. The security fuse does not allow switching on the power until it is reached potentiometer minimum. All parameters can be set by the button that is on the controller motherboard. On the terminal there can be connected switch, which switches off controlling circuit of the controller.

Controller has its own EMF filter and protection against thermal overload (thermal sensor is between the heatsinks). States of the controller (normal operation, current limitation, undervoltage limit) are indicated by an LED.

Examples of using: motor speed control, regulation of light bulbs, heating power control, temperature control of wire of polystyrene cutter or glow plugs temperature control, etc.

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